Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What me married? or If I like should I put a ring on it? or My marriage clock is ticking,tick tick tick

What’s up My blog readers? How are things? Well this post is one that….well its one of those things that if you get it your way it could end up biting you in the ass, check it out. I was asked recently how long would I date someone before I would marry them, I said I haven’t put a time frame on it, it could be 1 year or 5 years it depends on the relationship and how I feel about the person. Their response was it should be 3 year max!!! So like I normally do in situations like this I began to survey people and with their express written consent via text message I got quite a few responses. I have taken the liberty of listing them below.

Suga Foot-“No time period if your following your heart, while on the other hand if your following your head that is when rationalizing comes into play, so I guess its really a matter of choice depending on what the individual chooses to follow”

Ebonii- “When the two people are ready if one is ready before the other then they should reevaluate the relationship. But neither should settle”

Jasmine- “ Personally I think marriage should be brought up till some years later, that way you get to really know the person and all tha shit” (LOL one of my favorite quotes)

Angie- “Yes there is a time limit dependent upon age. I think shit if I’m 30 I’m more inclined to have a smaller window of patience”

Kendra- “I feel like it just depends on the feelings you have towards the person. If it’s real it can be a month, a year or a decade...you just gotta feel its right”

Mark- “Depends on both maturity levels”

London- “ There is no time period to marriage cause some people date all their lives and have been with someone all their life and never been married. I really don’t care for marriage but to each their own”

Little will- “Not feeling that can you. It is when YOU as a person DECIDE to makes a commitment to a MONOGOMY and of course your mate would as well! That’s what starts a marriage and keeps it. It’s a decision you make to start and continue to make throughout a marriage.”

After reading all these Reponses I began to revaluate what I stated earlier. If you forgot what I said scroll up and look it’s a blog not a conversation. I still feel the same. I mean I do want to get married weather it’s a church wedding, notary or city hall I would like to be. I also would happy just being with a person for years wrapped up in love knowing that that person was there for me and me there for them. I also feel people put A LOT on marriage thinking that once you get married all your problems and marriage certainly doesn’t mean that the person will stay with you. I have also seen people stress out because they have to be married by a certain time. The absolute worst is seeing someone in an unhealthy and unhappy marriage for the sake of being married. All these quotes and responses are just opinions I ask everyone that reads this to make your own decisions about marriage. Marriage is not to be taken lightly; it’s not just something that you do. Marriage is a sacred thing that should be decided on by both parties and if both parties can’t agree then maybe it’s to leave the relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Shared your blog on my FB page. Here was some of the comments:

    "Yup, not to be taken lightly. I think most of the quotes covered the bases on deciding on a timeframe. best one was not to get married just for the sake of being married."

    "thinking back totally should have done more research and dating. Took us 11 years of dating till I asked. Not to scare you but a number doesnt mean shit if you are not connected emotionally, spiritually and financially. Dating (aka horneyness or being in the state of uphoria love) can cloud ur judgement, thoughts and emotions."

    "I love it and so true!! I'm a master of taking my time and also believe u can't put a number on it!"
