Monday, July 11, 2011

Riding and Shooting or Do you need two bras

Lately I have taken up bike riding, which has been surprisingly fun. At first I originally did it to loose weight and to get some exercise in this hectic life of mine, but now I am really enjoying myself. I meet a lot of people when I’m out there touring the cities of the bay area; I have even started cycling every Sunday eating at different spots. I started riding solo bolo but have had people ride along with me for last couple of weeks which is freaking awesome! I’m looking to start a bike club if I get enough people to ride with, so get off ya fat ass and come out. The last time I went out I started taking pictures of some of the craziness I see when I ride around Oakland so be sure to check in for those pictures. Oh side bar I changed my diet a bit and added work out plans in there and can say that I have successfully lost 10 pounds of fat! LOL 10 pounds of fat. I haven’t really changed what I eat only the quality of what I eat. For example I have started eating only organic food or food with out hormones and preservatives. Well how does that help you loose weight Branden, thanks for asking faithful readers I’ll tell you! It help because when you eat food packed with hormones you then take on the hormone, I’ll keep explaining because I can hear some of you guys saying “and what the fuck does that mean” it mean that if the farmer gives the cow an added hormone to increase the cows body mass then when you eat it yours will too. Have you ever asked your self why am I gaining some much weight I only eat twice a day? It could be because you eat food packed with hormones, for the ladies its kinda like eating birth control and fellas its as if you were taking that powdered protein and not working out. Now the preservatives in the body are bit trickier then the hormones, when the body takes on preservatives the body doesn’t recognize them so it automatically stores them away in the form of fat cells until you use them. Now there is no nutritional use for preservative so the body will never use them, so they sit there in the form of love handles, turkey neck, cottage cheese thighs and back titties. LMFAO HAHA back titties, no offense to any of my readers out there with back breast. Now once these preservatives are backed on it is going to take a lot of physical exercise to burn off these empty calories. AND just think the point of preservatives is to LAST, to be here 20 years from now just like those back titties. LOL it’s still so funny. HA.  SO my best advice would be not to flood your body with preservative or unnecessary hormones. If you don’t believe what I’m saying Google it.
I really got off track here like I was saying stay tuned for more stories and picture from my ride and if your willing hit me up to go for a ride along with some good healthy eats. 

Until next time.   

1 comment:

  1. I was especially tickled by the back tities comment and also intrigued by the cycling / good eat excursions that sound dually productive
