Saturday, May 3, 2014

I Am Back Have You Missed Me?

Soooo it has been a while since my last post, for that I apologize. I had to go through some things and achieve some dreams...that rhyme was free by the way. Any who let me catch you up on the last 3 years. I met a young lady that I'm very keen on, it got serious, we got engaged and are set to be married! Can you believe that shit?! It's still crazy as fuck to me too. I moved to Portland, went to barber college, graduated and now work at one of the best shops in Portland.

So since I'm back at it again I've decided to change the focus a bit, I will continue to write about situations that come up in daily life and give relationship advice, but I will also be posting short stories and essays... yea I know I sound all grown up and shit!

Those that are new to reading my work I use foul language occasionally, I use real life situations that you may find offensive, rude or insensitive. I am sorry but that's just what this page is, knowing what's ahead you have the option to not read anything I post however if you continue to follow my posts please leave a comment to say how you felt about the writings, I would love to hear from you.

I will post a new piece every week, depending on whats going on you may get two or three. Oh and before I forget, if you know me on a personal level you may read a situation that happened between us, more than likely I will change the names to protect the innocent, just an FYI to my people out there. Well, welcome to my mind and feel free to read some old posts!

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