Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ladies it’s your responsibility to make sure your man is always fed!!!

Ladies this blog was inspired by a conversation I was having with my home girl Toya. She told me that she was talking with this gentleman years back and they started to get intimate and he said he cool off eating pussy. She said she was dumb founded and that someone in this day in age didn’t get down with lick it before you stick it concept. We finished our catering job and I went home thinking about our little conversation and here we are. Now I understand that some ladies out there may be a little self conscious about your bodies and or may feel uncomfortable with letting a man taste your sweets but come on ladies really? One- If you think the man might not enjoy ya flavor you need to dush that thing out or change your diet, because your right take it from me there is nothing more disturbing then a pussy that smells and taste like garbage. As mentioned before there are certain things you(ladies) should stay away from if you know you may have a male caller lick up some of that sweet sticky goodness. For both my male and female reader I suggest reading a book on oral pleasure by Violet Blue her link is as follows:
Two- Ladies I hear ladies say that yall be dealing with men that don’t satisfy you which is unbelievable. Some ladies might not like this next statement but shit here it comes. It is your responsibility to make sure you get satisfied not the man because best believe if a man isn’t being satisfied sexually by his partner he’s finding someone that keeps his mojo right. So ladies next time you’re with a male caller and he bust off his shot before you reach your climax I advise you to push the top of his head down to the sweet spot and if he say he cant deal with the taste… pop a jolly rancher in his mouth and tell him it taste like candy! If he still protest show homie the door because I assure you there are many men that will suck your hips until your hips jerk. Remember ladies it’s your responsibility to keep your fed, so let him eat it up!

- B. Blunt


  1. See for me its a difference, I don't let anyone down there jus becuz not everyone knows what they r doin! And I'm nt the type of female to fake it like I'm enjoyin it, ill mess around & clown his ass! I've had sum experiences where I was completely bored while he was down there! But off top, if a female don't know how to ride it & get hers first she trippin!! That should be the first thing she do cuz not all men can hold it and most men don't care if u get urs or not!! And second if it smell & taste like garbage, she needs to jus go soak in a tub somewhere!! NO FEMALE SHOULD EVER ALLOW HER BODY TO SMELL THAT WAY!! But otherwise I loved it

  2. I think its important to learn in life's journey the tool of voice. It is your right to ask for what you want and if what a nice O from some downstairs lovin' then by all means your may need to voice that desire. But also I believe It's not the man's responsibility to know how to do it right (the first time) but damn he better take instruction well a few times and get that learning curve under control and definitely lets keep it tidy and smelling fresh on both sides of the serving.

  3. Love it bro! well said...cause if he dont want to lick it, trust she will find another brotha or a sistah!!!
