Friday, April 22, 2011

Support your local hater or Your fear is clouding my shine

This blog was inspired by a conversation I had with my cousins Takia and Noel……and Donnie Darko.

The other day I was watching the film Donnie Darko and one of the themes in the film was fear and love, that everything in life is based off of those two things. So afterward I started analyzing my people and I started to notice that the shit was real; everything that we do is truly out of fear or out of love. For example: half of yall in college aren’t there because you have a “Love” for knowledge or a desire to become educated, you’re only there because you guys are afraid that you won’t be able to make money without a degree. Another example of this fear that grips us all are those of you in these horrible relationships that you won’t end or leave because you are afraid that you will not find anyone else if you do. If possible I want to encourage people to live in the love spectrum rather than the fear. Fear causes you to act out of character and in some cases create hate, most haters are born out of fear. Those of you that have haters: have you ever noticed that on your journey, people that were once closest to you became your biggest haters? Ever wonder why? Well there are several reasons why, one is that at one time you and this person were on the same plane then you got your Bruce Leroy glow, you started shining and making moves without fear. That scared your friend, they became full of fear, fear that one day you would see the coward that they were within so they turned on you and became your hater.  Little did they know that you had a plan for them as well, a plan that would bring them with you, they didn’t know the love that you had for them was unconditional. Next time your on your path shining like the star you are and you encounter a hater, before you react and check the hater (because they need to be checked) think about why they may be hating, it may be a cry for help, they may want you as a mentor but are too afraid to ask.

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