Sunday, April 24, 2011

Most of yall are full of shit! or Stop making excuses and make history

So I was working this job fair with the homie Lia, and I was astounded by the amount of moochers we came across. I mean really people, you are at a job fair asking potential employers for free shit! Is it me? When did it become ok for people not to have to work for things, it seems like we have entered the Age of Gimme. I hear people bitch and moan about how they hate the fact that immigrants come into the country and take their jobs?! I’m always amazed by their statements, in the back of my mind I’m always thinking, if you let someone that can’t speak English, with limited knowledge of how the system works take your job then you obviously weren’t doing your job well in the first place! And further more about 80% of the people at the job fair had foreign accents, 15% were white, and as you may have guessed the last 5% was made up of my American minority brothers and sisters. The reason why immigrants are getting the jobs is because they are the ones going hard for the jobs. I read the book The Alchemist a while ago and in this book the teaching is “In order to get something out of life you have to give up something of equal value.” I’m sorry brothers and sisters, but you aren’t giving up anything but complaints and excuses. If you want something in life you have to give up something, you have to give your time, energy, blood, sweat and tears for what you want. All too often people want to be who they see on top but don’t want to do what it takes to get there. Being on top take a tremendous amount of work and to stay takes even more work. Success will never be achieved with excuses and a half ass work ethic. Before I end this I want to leave you a quote that hopefully will motivate you to get off your ass and chase your dreams passionately…
 “For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.” – Harry F. Banks