Wednesday, May 18, 2011

DON'T SHOOT!!! or I think I just messed my pants!!!

This last week of May 2-6, 2011 has been one of the most challenging and eventful weeks I’ve had in a while, well the whole week wasn’t all that stressful it was more like Thursday-Saturday. It began like any other morning: 9:30am, I’m driving on the freeway, 80 to be exact when suddenly I was oowhoped (oowhoped- n. slang, pronounced OOO-whop. Origin- the sound a police siren makes. Meaning- to be pulled over by the police). Now right off the bat I started sweating and why, you might ask, well let me tell you. I was driving my car with a suspended license and no registration; I had insurance and my seat belt on though (lol, a joke). SOOO the officer asks besides my registration is there anything else that is wrong with the car? In my head I’m thinking this may be a test of character or a game the officer is playing so I nut up and tell him my license is suspended, he takes my I.D and walks away. The cop comes back 10 minutes later and ask for my car keys, in my head only one word is echoing……FUCK  .......When a cop asks for your car keys it means you are either going to jail or you are getting your car towed, either way you slice the shit my day is starting off pretty fucked up. Now let me clarify for all the finger pointing critics out there that like to say the cop is only doing his job blah blah blah. I get it, I didn’t pay the bills and he doing his shit but that doesn’t mean I have to like it, I dare you not to cry when the dentist sticks you with that big ass needle, he’s just doing his job right? Right, that’s what I thought. Any way so after 15-20 minutes the cop comes back and ask me to step out of the car, he explains to me that he is going to tow the car, nobody wants to hear this so I sigh and go to put my hands in my pocket, here is where I shit on myself. As my hands hit my pocket the officer screams get your hands out of your pocket and pulls his gun. Now I’m no punk but I was scared, I mean the cop has a glock 6inches from my chest and a crazed look in his eye. I thinking that I about o get shot on the freeway SMH (yea that’s right I used text message lingo in my blog, what you gonna do about it?!!) So naturally I put my hands up, I say to the gun wielding officer I’m trying to give you other key to the car man, the officer replies “Oh ok I’ll get it from your pocket.” He continues to say “Sorry about that, it’s just policy.” All I could say was “Hey, man”. All while he gets my keys and we have our exchange of words my hands are still up, then this cat wants to joke saying “Relax, it’s ok, you can put your hands down now.” People, this man with a damn gun in my face and is now telling me to relax, “I want to relax my foot in your ass,” (that’s what I wanted to say but I was still scared….lol). In the end he shakes my hand and tells my to walk off the freeway. Yes, that’s right, in the course of 30 minutes I got my car towed, a gun pulled on me and sent to walk off the freeway, I almost got hit by a damn truck! What a way to start the day..
Alfred Hitchcock once said “I’m not against the police; I’m just afraid of them.”
I am too Alfred, I am too.

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