Monday, May 9, 2011

Urban Hippie or What did you call me?

    When I started my life coach journey, I had no idea that I that I would be coaching people in my everyday interaction. It’s kind of funny though, while taking your classes they teach you about “gremlins” that pop up in people and how to identify them, you also start to use your “6th sense” muscle which is pretty F’ing sweet. Before there were things that would happen in my day to day that would really piss me the hell off, now, before I dive into a rage and start throwing shit off my roof, I stop to think about why I am really getting mad. Now I’m not saying that I don’t get mad at shit, I’m saying that it takes more than a simple stare to incite the monster within. To the ignorant mofos reading this don’t stop me on the street and disrespect me because I still may boot you in ya chest for shits and giggles. When I started I was warned that I would start to see things and people in a different light. Those warnings have started to reveal themselves. A new title has been bestowed upon me by my sister, mother and closest of friends. “URBAN HIPPIE” is what she calls me. What is an Urban Hippie? you may ask, well let me tell you good people of the blogging world. An Urban Hippie is one that believes whole heartedly in peace, love and oneness BUT still reserves the right to bust a head if the situation warrants such behavior. This chap can vibe out to the black keys, linkin park, paramour AND will still get down to the sounds of the old lil Wayne, young jeezy and of course the classic Wu Tang, Biggie and Pac. This delightful fellow is enlightened and will post words of encouragement on his twitter then turn around and take a Twit Pic of some poorly dressed slob and post it on his page for the amusement of others. Now I know what you may be thinking: This guy is a straight walking contradiction! While nothing could be further from the truth, it’s actually close enough to give truth a big slobbery wet one. The Urban Hippie strives for peace and serenity on the daily but has embraced the beast that lives the darkest part of his soul. It’s kinda like seeing a Nun walk a lion; the lion won’t attack as long as the nun remains unharmed. However once the nun is harmed and the lion attacks to defend the nun all bets are off because, realistically, how could a nun pull the king of beasts off some random asshole looking for trouble lol (yes I just laughed at my own joke I don’t need your validation lol). So when you see your Urban Hippie walking down the street admiring the beautiful cloud formations please don’t disrespect because you might just get bit.  

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