Monday, May 16, 2011

Tales from DMV part 1 or The first installment of the nightmare that is known as the DMV

I was at the DMV today and I witness and heard some of the most outrageous things, these are Tales from the Department of Motor Vehicle. SOOO my day started like most that don’t call in and make an appointment, bright and early standing in line with the rest of the dumb asses with no appointment. While still waking up I was listening to a young woman on the phone giving another young woman advice. The woman I was listening to was telling her friend on the phone not to marry a man that had asked for her hand, the reasoning being because he did not drive a certain automobile OR pull enough money annually. HMMMM? Now it seems to me that if you love a person and a person genuinely loves you then love shall conquer all, rich or poor it should not matter……LOL I’m just bullshiting with you haha. Now I’m not saying that a person has to be rich or drive a certain kind of car, what I’m saying is that if you can’t take care of yourself when you’re alone then it is highly unlikely that you will be able to do it with another person. I know people are going to be in an uproar talking about LOVE is the only thing that matters, I want you to say that when you working twice as hard and a muthafucka is sitting on your couch spending up ya money not contributing. However in this situation I feel that the woman may have been too harsh to the young lady on the other end of that line for the following reasons. 1) The man obviously loves the young lady to ask for her hand in marriage. *WARNING* Unhappy people will HATE on you if you even show signs that you are happy or that your situation is improving and theirs is not. 2) The man (from what I could ear hustle) had a job and made enough money to support himself and take the young lady out on occasion AND didn’t live with his mama *REALITY CHECK* Males and Females, stop being so judgmental and critical of petty bullshit, if you’re not making six figures a year then don’t expect your mate to. Yes, it’s nice to hope and dream for it but if someone can support themselves, buy you shit every once and a while AND loves your stank attitude having ass? ummm hello. 3) The woman giving advice to the young woman on the phone didn’t ask too much about her friend’s potential fiancĂ©, instead was projecting her “baby daddy” action all over this man. *HATERS* Just because your situation is messed up does not mean that everyone’s situation is going to be messed up, stop trying to create pity parties and circles of depression. You are in those situations because of you, no one else. If you don’t like it simply leave the situation alone. More Tales from the Department of Motor Vehicle to come, check in later this week for the rest. AND remember support your local hater, shine all day and all night!!!

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