Thursday, May 5, 2011

H2O and Hgb or The constant struggle between relatives and family...

“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are.” Words spoken by a twitter friend shout out @MrTruthIsHere. These words are as he says the TRUTH lol. I would like to take it a step further and say that Relatives are people we have the same genetic make up with and Family are those that we choose and they choose us. On occasion relatives will also be family. I have a cousin named Bop, everywhere we go we introduce each other as cousins, and every time this introduction takes place we receive hard stares and more questions inquiring more about how is this possible. Now Bop is this big Puerto Rican so the looks are to be expected being that I am a black man. It has come to my attention that the people that are closest to you most times are not blood, which leads to me ask what it truly means to be family. In the tribal days you were known by what your village was called then broken down by what house you came from, for example. I am part of the Oakland tribe of the house of Blunt. It seems that in these days the bond among the people was much stronger than it is today. This tribalism even shows itself in today’s society. When a person joins a gang essentially he or she is joining a tribe, he or she will do just about anything for their new found family. Why? Some would argue that the person has been brain washed, in my opinion that’s a bunch of bullshit. Speaking from my experience as a person that has relatives and to a certain extent and a “street family”, you would do anything for them because in the blink of an eye they would do the same for you. I believe that people go out and seek these surrogate families for one of 3 reasons. 1) Protection; in some cases there is strength numbers. It may be to ones benefit to join a gang i.e. prison, in the case your group is the minority in a hostile environment 2) Love; if someone is missing love at home they WILL try to find what they think is love else where in most cases like the song says “Looking for love in all the wrong places”.  And lastly 3) Acceptance; most times your relatives have already planned and plotted your life which for some of us can be a problem especially if you have reached the point of self discovery. When you finally reach that point of knowing who you are (or how you want to be perceived) if only at that moment in time, it is extremely devastating to not get approval from your relatives. So, my people, yes blood is thicker than water but we are 80% water, which means there would not be any blood without water. Choose your family wisely and once you do tell them often that you love them because they love you…

If you want to send me a message, picture or anything of the sort hit me at Talk to you soon!!


  1. i like that "yes blood is thicker than water but we are 80% water, which means there would not be any blood without water. Choose your family wisely and once you do tell them often that"
